Through SafeBase, you have the ability to track the status of an Account's security review. In the Accounts tab, there is a column called Review. You can also view the Review Status in the Account details page by clicking on an Account name.
All statuses can be manually edited by an Account Manager or Admin. The options for the Review Status are as follows:
Not Started
Account hasn't taken any action in the Trust Center (no item has been reviewed and no questionnaire has been submitted).
Any new account has the Not Started status by default.
In Progress
The security review is in progress.
Manually edit the status OR
The review status is automatically moved to In Progress when a new account:
Clicks at least one card/item, or
Submits a questionnaire (only applicable if your Trust Center has questionnaire submission enabled)
The security review is complete.
Manually edit the status OR
Account members will receive an email 7 days after their first log in to your Trust Center*. The email asks if they have completed the security review for your Trust Center. When an account member clicks "Yes, I've Completed the review", the Account's Review Status will automatically be updated to Completed.
*Account members whose Account Status is already set to Completed will not receive this email.
The deal didn’t proceed or is on hold. The company has stopped the security review.
Manually edit the status.
A catch all for all the other cases. This can happen when accounts decide not to purchase (thus the deal is no longer relevant)**. Or, they may choose another vendor and no longer need to review the organization.
**It is recommended to mark the Review Status as Completed once the security review is completed, regardless of the deal status.
Manually edit the status.
Default status for historical accounts.
Account created prior to this feature being released will have a blank review status.